The Astrophysics Spectator

Astrophysics Resources on the Web

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Web Resources

In writing the pages for this site, I make use of many resources, including resources of the World Wide Web. The author lists web sites that he finds particularly useful and interesting, or that have a link to The Astrophysics Spectator. The list is regularly updated and expanded.

Online Publications

The following web sites present news, articles, and information on topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Some are associated with print magazines.

The Astronomy Cafe
Numerous articles on astronomy aimed at a general audience. The site includes the answers to question submitted to a professional astronomer. The site is written by Dr. Sten Oldenwald, and old friend of the author's from graduate school.
Sky and Telescope
One of the premiere magazines of amateur astronomy. The author grew-up with this publication.
A web site for space enthusiasts. Site provides tables, databases, reviews, a dictionary and other resources in astronomy.
Universe Today
An online publication that presents news in astronomy and space exploration. The site links to the latest articles from across the Internet.


Web sites associated with the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration and with the European Space Agency. The list includes links to currently productive satellites and to astronomical databases.

The home page for NASA.
The home page for ESA.
Cassini Mission to Saturn
The home page for the Cassini spacecraft, which is now orbiting Saturn. The site includes the latest results from Cassini.
Chandra X-ray Observatory
The home page for NASA's Chandra x-ray imaging satellite. The site includes the latest results from Chandra.
The High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
The HEASARC is NASA's archive of x-ray and gamma-ray data from astronomical sources. The site includes links to public outreach and links to current x-ray and gamma-ray satellite home pages.
The Hubble Space Telescope
The home page for NASA's Hubble satellite. The site provide the latest news about the instrument and a gallery of pictures taken by Hubble.
The Spitzer Space Telescope
The home page for NASA's Spitzer infrared telescope. The site provide access to the data collected by this satellite.


Links to various government and university labs that conduct astronomical research.

National Space Science and Technology Center
The NSSTC, which is located in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, is affiliated with the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.
The Space Research Institute (IKI)
This research center, which is part of the Russian Academy of Science, is located in Moscow. It is the primary Russian laboratory for space science and astronomy.

The Astrophysics Spectator

World Wide Web

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